Bug Hunting Education

This curated list of educational resources serves as your roadmap to becoming a more knowledgeable and successful bug bounty hunter. From foundational books that every cybersecurity enthusiast should read to pioneering research papers, online courses offering structured learning, and hands-on resources like CTFs and practice labs. As you explore, you might notice some links leading to these resources. To be transparent, a few of these might be affiliate links, which means if you decide to make a purchase or sign up through them, we may earn a small commission. This comes at no extra cost to you and helps support our mission to provide top-notch content. Be assured, our recommendations are based purely on their merit and relevance to your growth. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned veteran in the field, this comprehensive list is here to power up your knowledge. Remember, knowledge truly is power in the world of bug bounty hunting, and we’re here to equip you with just that.

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